A Student Learning journey

Proactive was commissioned to create an online learning resource for students across the Technological Universities in Ireland. We were appointed by ATU to design a brand and strong messaging that would resonate across the TU sector. Care was taken to avoid any colour or imagery combinations that could align the new brand more closely with one of the TU’s over the others. Proactive facilitated brand strategy workshops to ensure that all the stakeholders had an involvement in the process.

The logo mark

The logo is created to represent a backpack. The backpack logomark is created from 3 icons which represent digital badges that can be acquired on the Student Digital Backpack online platform. An open, smooth font has been used in the wordmark, creating a warm, friendly and easily legible wordmark. A selection of approved formats, file types and colour versions are available.

A short animated logo was designed to make the new brand more engaging and fun for students.

The Strapline

Proactive also advised on the key messaging to ensure that a friendly and inclusive tone is used across all materials.

The strap line – One badge at a time – underpins the whole purpose of the initiative which is to encourage students to upskill at their own pace using short courses – one badge at a time.


In the brand language, we use 5 graphic symbols. These symbols can be scaled, coloured, cropped and combined in a variety of ways to develop an endless selection of backgrounds. They can interact with photography and illustration for editorials,

Care was taken to ensure that the new Student Digital Backpack brand would sit alongside the existing N-TUTORR brand as part of one brand family. Elements of the N-TUTORR iconography were incorporated into the logo and the individual course badges.

A series of colour-coded badges were designed to sit under each of the five main themes. The badge design uses a distinctive shape and pulls from the Digital Backpack logo and the N-TUTORR colour palette and Iconography. New badges are constantly being added so the design needs to be simple and easy to implement

Proactive provided artwork and advice on branding the platform portal and created web graphics to be applied to various online sources.

a student learning journey web portal


The Brand Guidelines were especially important for this project to maintain brand integrity when so many stakeholders in the third-level education sector will be using the resources and brand assets.

a student learning journey digital backpack

The following visuals are provided to show the versatility of the brand with guidance on the type of photography to use to bring energy into the posters and materials.

student digital backpack banners
student digital backpack posters

Proactive Project Team

  • Branding strategy – Angela Geraghty
  • Brand concept, development and messaging – Tara Morgan
  • Motion graphics – Alex O’Connor