Web Design & Development

We offer so much more than just pretty websites. Capturing and converting visitors into customers is our core objective. A well designed website ensures a smooth user experience across all devices, with effective calls-to-action and delivers design-led compelling content that helps your brand stand out.

All this, infused with our digital marketing smarts, will boost your site ranking performance on search engines. 

All part of the service.


Accessible, user-centric design

At Proactive, we’re dedicated to web design that is accessible and user-centric. Our websites are built with inclusivity in mind, ensuring everyone, regardless of abilities, can engage. We also prioritise user experience (UX), creating designs that are intuitive and engaging. Partner with us to elevate your digital presence with accessible, results-driven web design and development.

Engaging Content

Crafting captivating and relevant content is paramount to capturing the interest of prospective customers. Our adept content writers specialise in generating engaging, informative, and emotive content customised to reflect any brand’s tone of voice.

Galvia website solutions page
Gavia website book a demo page
Galvia website page

Optimised for mobile

Your website is often the first place a customer goes to find out more about your business, product or service. It’s vital that your website accurately reflects what you stand for, communicates your key messages and provides visitors with a great user experience.

With more and more people accessing the web from mobile phones, it is also crucial that your website is optimised for mobile devices.

To ensure that your website is easy for people to find, our SEO specialists use their expertise in keyword research, on-page optimisation, content creation and inbound link building to ensure that your website ranks well – and continues to do so.

Stella Doradus mobile website
Lowrence engineering home page
Website of Lowrence engineering with picture of medical components
Lowrence engineering medical component manufacturing page
teg home page
Teg products website
Shabra home page desktop
sustainability page on shabra
The Galway Tour Company's website tours
The Galway Tour Company website

Get started

Maintenance and management of security and plugins can also be outsourced to Proactive. Starting from scratch? We can register/transfer domains, manage migrations and provide ongoing performance reporting to make sure your website works as hard as you do.

Get in touch