Employer Branding &
Talent Acquisition

Our team of marketing strategists is dedicated to developing customised solutions that resonate with potential talent. We design compelling recruitment campaigns aimed at attracting and retaining a workforce that takes pride in being a part of a great organisation.


Your employer brand is, quite simply, your reputation as an employer. It is how current and past employees, key stakeholders and job seekers see you. Win hearts and minds – and attract the right people – with on-point messaging.

Recruitment Advertising

Recruiting can be a long, laborious and costly process. It is crucial that you employ an effective recruitment advertising strategy to discover the right candidate fit for your organisation. Really effective targeting, analytics and messaging will help you find the right fit and save time and resources along the way.

Internal Communications

The importance of a strong and positive culture is impossible to overstate. It fosters employee engagement, teamwork, and a shared sense of purpose. This, in turn, enhances productivity, attracts top talent, and reduces turnover. Open internal communication is key in letting your team know you care and support them.

Rise Up at DPF Engineering

DPF Engineering, based in Carlow, is a global supplier of complex precision engineering solutions to medical, aerospace and high tech industries. Supported by Enterprise Ireland, DPF experienced a growth surge, which accelerated the company to a completely new level. The senior management team very quickly realised that to handle the large global contracts they were winning they needed to review every aspect of the company from both a quality and continuity point of view. Before looking at the customer-facing presentations, website, trade stands or facilities and equipment, owner/CEO Seamus Lancaster focused on the team. It was unusual and refreshing to be given a brief with an employee-first focus.

Proactive conducted one-to-one interviews with the management team, key customers and every member of staff. We worked with DPF to create a set of core values that resonated with the feedback from customers and staff.

team up rise up dpf
DPF staff walking, blurry picture.


A new employee slogan Team Up : Rise Up communicates that everyone is in it together and each individual will have the training and support they need to cope with the company’s evolution and growth. A large wall graphic of a sunrise was installed on the production floor to support the slogan.

A launch event was organised to unveil the new core values, commit to a quality charter, introduce suggestion boxes and share the company plans for the future, including a preview of the new brand and website. Each person received a complete new uniform with a choice of colours for the T-shirt, personalised branded water bottle and, of course, complimentary lunch and cake.

Since then DPF have invested in staff training at all levels, supported the establishment of a sports and social club and attracted talent from all over the world to join the DPF team.

Building a Strong Medical Brand for TE Connectivity

Given that Creganna Medical was Ireland’s largest indigenous medical device company, this project was highly sensitive and personal to the large workforce that had expanded over the years due to its significant growth. We believed that each employee had a large role to play in the success of the new brand rollout. A comprehensive employee engagement programme was developed to ensure that all 4,000+ staff felt ownership of the new brand. The GET CONNECTED tagline and creative concept linked strongly to TE’s main tagline EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS.

business card creganna

To ensure campaign consistency, this followed through on all posters, banners, leaflets and internal communications about the new brand. A launch video featured employees from the various global plant sites ‘getting connected’ to the new brand. To assist employees in the implementation process, Proactive created branding guidelines and a dedicated branding microsite containing all the information, tools and marketing materials required to apply the new brand in day-to-day work.

website of Takumi for hiring.

Let’s join forces

No matter what stage your business is at, a third-party perspective and fresh eyes can deliver a much-needed boost for your marketing strategy.

Whether you’re an SME eager to make a splash in your sector or an established corporation in need of a brand refresh, your first strategic decision has arrived. Get in touch with our team of experts today.

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