
Lead Generation for Generation Z

You can tell someone’s age by the movies they love. As a self-confessed early millennial, a movie which I came to love was Glengarry, Glen Ross. In one of the standout moments, the wise-cracking, border-line neurotic salesmen are taught by a superstar external consultant about the importance of worshipping the… Settle in and read more here
Customise Zoom backgrounds

How to customise your Zoom background

Millions of us are using Zoom to video-conference while working from home. And many have discovered a setting that changes your video background from the room behind you to, well, anything you choose. Proactive can now offer custom-designed background solutions for your next video conference. Settle in and read more here

Trade Show Marketing Tips

The top tips to make your company stand out from the crowd at your next exhibition. Discover what you need to do to achieve targeted trade show results. Before the show, set your Objectives Before you even consider attending a trade show, you need to ask… Settle in and read more here

DeCare Dental launch directly to Irish Market

On November 20th 2013, DeCare Dental entered a new era of business in Ireland when the company officially launched it’s products and services directly to Irish corporate and individual consumers. Since 2004, DeCare has been providing it’s insurance plans through Vhi, with DeCare providing the customer service support, claims processing, … Settle in and read more here