A Fun New way to Generate Profits


Branding opportunities at Tough Mudder Ireland 2016.

There’s a new way to generate profits… and here’s the thing: it’s fun!

Every business is on the lookout for the ‘new way of thinking’, or the ‘latest tricks to turn ordinary clients into profitable ones’. Now, we’re not talking get-rich-quick schemes here; we’re talking about ways to get your staff to work smarter and work together. So what’s the big secret? Well, surprise surprise, it isn’t a secret at all. Let’s explore the whole area of ‘staff motivation’. What’s it all about and why bother?

Think about it – how many times have you seen a business creaking at the seams because of conflicts that have festered between various cliques? Staff that don’t work as one well-oiled unit will always fail at achieving the overall objective of the business: to make as much profit as possible. So happy staff equals happy end of year figures, right? Well, it certainly makes it more likely!

There is a noticeable increase in the number of corporate teams taking part in mass participation events. We’re looking at big events, like the Dublin Marathon, the obstacle course event Tough Mudder, and mountain climbs and treks. Gone are the days when someone would have a notion to bring a group to run the New York Marathon and ask their buddies to pay for the trip by way of a donation to charity. People now have more options on their doorstep, and company outings are usually organised by the sports and social club. But there is a shift in thinking: marketing heads and HR departments are taking an interest in this area as they begin to appreciate the brand visibility opportunities provided by 20 or 30 employees in matching branded t-shirts participating in such events.

And it’s not just branding. Staff are more likely to bond and work together as they train and participate for the big company day out. Take Tough Mudder as an example. It isn’t a race. It’s an event that tests fears and forces people to work as a team. Some of the obstacles are impossible to conquer alone, so teamwork is the order of the day.

Let’s break this down further and dive into the detail.

Team Building

Mud runs, colour runs, night runs, all have a fun aspect to them which encourages teamwork and participation. They’re not timed events, so it’s not about winning: it’s all about taking part. The cost of entering a team into one of these events is much lower than organising a staff event from scratch, and corporate entertainment options are often available.

Corporate Wellness

Investing in corporate wellness reaps rewards, as healthy employees are productive employees. When work colleagues plan an activity-based event, they very often start to prepare weeks or months in advance by training together at lunchtime or after work. This encourages a more active lifestyle which will reduce sick days and increase productivity.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Many corporate teams link up with a charity and get everyone to raise sponsorship, so the event also ticks that corporate social responsibility box. This adds a feelgood factor for staff too.


Choose an event where the demographic of the participants fits best with your staff profile. Groups of work colleagues having fun together is a great advert to attract inquiries from potential employees.

Promote your Brand

Events like Tough Mudder can have up to 6,000 participants and a further 1,000 spectators on site, so there is a good chance that many of your existing and potential customers are there.

Let’s hear from someone who actually got involved with one of these events.

‘Linking DeCare Dental Insurance to the hilarious Kiss of Mud obstacle created a whole host of social media opportunities for DeCare, as the crowd of muddy faces made for really good ‘toothy’ smiles which we pushed out through our digital channels over the weekend. The event also offered DeCare the opportunity to interact with various corporate groups who were participating, giving DeCare a chance to network with potential clients.’

Ways to Engage with the Participants

By becoming an event brand partner, you get the opportunity to talk to the participants directly. If you do partner with an event, make sure you maximise the return on investment by agreeing the following with the event organisers or promoters:

  • Get your company logo added to the event website
  • Ensure that your company is featured in pre-event social media posts
  • Add a coupon or special offer in the post-event emails
  • Get your company logo on signage in an area where lots of photos will be taken
  • Work with the organisers to come up with a way to add value for the participant – give out free samples, run competitions, bring actors or entertainment to the event, etc.

So, if your company wants to foster a happy, healthy work environment with a motivated and productive team while also promoting a positive brand image to thousands of people (phew)… you should consider becoming a sponsor to one of these events or send a team of brand ambassadors to participate. It’s a win-win for HR and marketing.